"One Of the People, For the People"
"God Doesn't Call The Qualified, he Qualifies the Called"
"Per ardua ad astra" | "Through Hardships To The Stars"
Dylan Bergmann
For SA Vice President

Welcome to my website! Let me tell you a few reasons on why you should vote me in for SA Vice Presidency!
About Me
I have been at Andrews Academy for about 2 and half years now. I am 17 years old, and I have been a citizen of the United States since the year 2008. I have aspired to be a Commercial airline pilot since the age of 3. I am currently a Flight student and am working on my Private Pilots License, all while being a full time High school student on top of that. I currently own and manage two businesses, while also being a cat-dad to my favorite little fur buddy (Roeder, a Orange cat). I love cooking, photography, and meeting new people. Some of my favorite hobbies, are airsoft, and photography.

Why you should vote for me
"While I have changed a lot and gone through a lot of adversity. I believe that I am a good candidate for the position of SA VP, because I believe in fun and engaging events, where no one is excluded.
I believe in a place where everyone is entitled to their opinion and their voice is heard, no matter of sex, race, or social status. "
"I think Dylan would be a good canidate for SA VP because he is easy to talk to, and listens to what you have to say.
- AA Student (Freshman)
"I think Dylan would be a good SA VP because he has the interest of the students at heart"
-AA Student (Junior)
" Think Dylan would be a good VP because he not only cares about the school but he also cares about everyone else"
-AA Student (Sophomore)
"I'm Voting for Dylan, because he keeps his promises, and when he says something, I can trust it will get done"
-AA Student (Senior)
" I want Dylan as my SA VP because he maintains professionalism, and I want someone on SA Office that is able to handle and get things done professionally"
-AA Student (Senior)
"Dylan has my vote because he goes above and beyond on achieving perfection in his actions"
-AA Student (Freshman)